Sunday, August 28, 2005

75 Years of Hell: Those Dumbasses Who Write "Blondie" Deserve To Be Dragged Into The Streets & Beaten


When the Hell are those morons going to learn?!

I don't know about you guys, but I take the Comics very seriously. On a daily basis, I read my newspaper, cutting out the good/my favorite comics and pasting them in a photo album. Naturally, I read For Better or For Worse, but only to "scout" (finding strips that would be good for hacking into a For 1 or For 0 comic).

My local newspaper, the Montreal Gazette (how original), features a comics section that includes many excellent strips: Fox Trot, Real Life Adventures, Bizarro, The Boondocks, Dilbert, Doonsbury, Get Fuzzy and Opus on Sundays. I must say that I am quite impressed. On the flip (or rather, flop) side, there are many stinkers: Herman, The Wizard of Id, Sally Forth, and Stone Soup.

Then, there are the really bad ones.

Beetle Bailey - It might have been funny when M*A*S*H was on, but I doubt it. Besides, aren't these guys at war? Why hasn't there been casualties yet?!

- Okay, we get it. The fat cat eats and sleeps. NOT FUNNY!

Hi and Lois
- These guys recently had some kind of anniversary. The proverbial torch was passed down to new writers. Hopefully, they'll drop the torch and light themselves on fire. The strip's been around for too long, but, like all the bad ones on this list, it's not even good. We get it, teenagers don't listen, kids are annoying, neighbors are lazy, and babies are stupid. Why must you continue to hurt us?!

- If you even have to ask... I'm just thankful that this crap only runs on Sundays. Even at that, pull this crap to make room for Sunday Boondocks!

- It wasn't funny when the guy was alive, and it ain't any better now. Screw "Classic" Peanuts, give us Classic Calvin and Hobbes!

And last, but not least.... Blondie.

For the last, what, a week now? I've lost count. Anyway, each strip of this crap has been about the approaching anniversary. EVERY EFFING DAY. Damn it, why every effin' day? And not just Blondie, oh no, that would be too easy! It's crappy sister strips, too! Characters visiting each other's comic, bringing more stupidity with them! Argh!

Listen, we know that 75 years in a big thing. But has it really taken you this long to understand that your comic sucks? Day in, day out, same crap, different day. Here's the basic sypnosis of the Blondie universe:

  1. the guys are drawn to look stupid
  2. the women are drawn by a very sexist horny guy in his basement: they are either old or have thin waists and huge breasts
  3. the Dagwood guy is lazy
  4. the Dagwood guy eats
  5. that's it.
I find that this has gone on long enough. We deserve a funny page free from all kinds of crap, do we not? Shouldn't we be free from the reign of Blondie? I urge all of you comic-strip-loving fans to write letters to your newspapers telling them that you've had enough. That this madness must end.

That the Revolution starts now.

For those of you who do, there is a special bonus for you. Send a copy of your angry letter to and there will eventually be a 'monument' in your honour right here at Never give up, brothers. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.

Since Blondie is a major concern and a huge problem, this week's episode is a Sunday strip, the first I've ever done. Now, without further ado, this week's For 1 or For 0 episode:

75 Years of Hell


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